Sunday, 14 July, 2024


Gym Membership Benefits To Fast Track Your Fitness

Fitness training gym membership

Now that we are all out of lockdown and not in our great pre-lockdown body, it’s time to get fit again! Join a gym to fast-track your fitness and improve your health in every way.

Health benefits of going to the gym

It should be clear but for those that it isn’t, going to the gym can offer you so many different health benefits. With the classes being led by professional athletes like bft Tim Paine you’ll get fit with great health benefits! During workouts, we are increasing our cardiovascular health via strengthening the lungs and heart which increases our strength through the lean muscle we create. It is recommended to work out for around five hours per week of moderate exercise. You should undertake muscle strengthening workout activities twice each week if you can.

Exercise can help your cardio fitness levels and increase your strength, but did you know it can also lower some health concerns including:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Stress-related illnesses

Gyms really can improve your medical conditions to get you even healthier!

You can access better equipment

A big plus of joining a gym is the fact there is so much different equipment available to use. From weights, cardio machines, boxing kits, strength machines and resistance bands. It can be expensive to purchase these outright however just by paying a small fee for a membership you can have access to the equipment when you want for as long as you want.

Making new friends

Joining a gym is a great way to make friends and meet those who are like-minded. There are group fitness classes that you can take part in which can have you working together with others and being social. You can meet someone who is at the same fitness level as you and who may just become your training buddy. It’s a great way to not only meet people but become motivated, and learn from great fitness teachers. Best to join a fitness class with Body Fit Training Owner Tim Paine to sweat with mates and get you closer to your fitness goals.


Creating a healthy routine

You can establish a healthy fitness routine by joining a gym so you can access all the equipment and fitness sessions no matter what the weather is outside. There is no soggy ground, no hot equipment that will burn your hands and no sun-stroke. In winter gyms are heated and summer they are air-conditioned. No matter the weather you will be comfortable when you are working out.

Time to increase your energy levels

One of the common side effects when exercising is getting an increase in energy levels and a better mood due to the fact you release natural endorphins when you are working out. Enjoy leaving the gym after your workout feeling happy and energised to take anything on that comes your way during the day.

Getting motivated

There are two ways to get the exercise done either you jog there all jolly in your step or you drag yourself to the gym with three or four coffees in hand. You may find yourself getting more motivated to go to the gym once you have been attending there on a regular basis. You will start making fitness goals and doing your best to hit them all. People often find they even start improving their diets like cutting out sugar and junk food and bring in more green foods and fruits.

Join a gym today and see just what they can offer you.